How to Improve the iPad
The Apple iPad is touted as the most revolutionary and innovative product that Apple has released. It is also the most riskiest product that Apple has created. It is a product that has caused a lot of debate and controversies on the internet because it is such a new innovative device. Apple has hedged a lot of marketing money and technology to this device, but it has many technological and consumer shortcomings. Here are 9 ways to improve the iPad.
1. The Apple iPad is a very expensive product. At a starting price of US9, an Amazon Kindle or even a netbook is cheaper than an iPad! Instead, try to make the iPad cheaper than similar products
IPad 2 Review
2. Apple has a very restrictive Operating System. You can't install any programs you want or modify specific functions on the iPad. To improve the functions, Apple can make the software opensource. However, this is unlikely.
3. You cannot expand memory on your iPad. If you want to increase the storage space on your iPad, it is literally impossible at the moment. The iPad should include a memory slot so you could put more memory on it.
4. Put a USB slot on it. You can't access USB devices on the iPad such as a USB memory card, camera or any other devices that hasn't have Apple's specific approval.
5. Have a camera on it.
6. Make the browser Flash compatible. Flash is not available on the iPad which restricts approximately 90% access of websites out there.
7. Improve the screen resolution to high definition. Doesn't display full High Definition resolutions for movies.
8. Allow apps and music to be installed in other ways. Transferring music and files can only be done through iTunes.
9. Apple should include a small keyboard on it to allow easier typing.
How to Improve the iPadipad 2 review